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Erasmus+ KA2 project “Development of an innovative and cross sectoral European education proGRam to strEngthEN the training of TECHnicians in the field of renewable energy – GREEN TECH”, No. 2021-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000023268, testing of the modules M4 – Hydrogen gas as an energy accumulator and M5 – Energy consumption trend module took place in Panevėžio kolegija/State Higher Education Institution. Dr. Cyril Picard from Grenoble Alpes University, located in France, presented the theoretical and practical part to the students of the study program of Electrical and Automation Devices about hydrogen gas. On Thursday, the prospects of hydrogen gas in Europe, its production and storage methods, why not all hydrogen gas can be called green, the energy value of hydrogen gas and the possibilities of its use were presented. On Friday, in the practical part, the students experimented by extracting hydrogen by the principle of electrolysis, and performed calculations evaluating the chemical and energy efficiency of electrolysis.

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