Student admission: tel. +370 607 96146

Study and have an internship abroad with Erasmus+


until 4th March selection for ERASMUS + STUDIES AND PRACTICE is underway !!!

The selection is open for:

  1. STUDIES – all students, who have completed at least one course and are planning to study abroad in 2022 autumn semester.
  2. INTERNSHIP – all students, who have completed at least one semester.
  3. GRADUATE INTERNSHIP – all graduate students.

Duration of studies – from 3 months.

Duration of internship – from 2 months.

Following documents must be provided (until 4th March):

More information about Erasmus+ Programme here.

Our foreign partners here.

Students can find Study and Internship places by themselves.

Erasmus+ scholarships (Eur/month):

Host country Studies Internship
Group 1

Program countries with highest cost of living expenses

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway 520 700
Group 2

Program countries with average cost of living expenses

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain 500 680
Group 3

Program countries with lowest cost of living expenses

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia 450 630


Signed documents must be sent by e-mail: or brought to cabinet No. 131, Laisvės sq. 23.

Students must be fully vaccinated (EU recognized vaccines) or have had COVID-19 during the 180-day period from PCR test positive confirmation.


More information:

Jovita Kaziukonytė


Mob. +370 609 75114

Potential employers: