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Students‘ study abroad opportunities at University College Lillebaelt in the spring semester 2016

University College Lillebaelt offers 9 professional Bachelor’s Degree programmes, and at our Departments of Social Work, Public Administration, Social Education, Nursing and Teacher Education, we offer courses, modules and full semesters taught in English.

If your students are interested in applying to one of these Departments, they can read more about the courses, application procedures, contact information etc. in the following links.

Social Work/Public Administration:

Increasing Welfare through User Involvement

10 week module, April 15, 2016 – June 17, 2016.


Social Education:

Building Interfaces for Social Inclusion

5 month semester, February 1 – May 27, 2016.

Teacher Education:

Teaching and Learning for Democratic Citizenship– 4 month semester, January 20 – May 27. 2016.


Care for the Chronically Ill Person  – 2 week module starting in April.

Health in the Nordic Countries – Lifestyle and Environment– 10 week module starting in February.

Health Care and Welfare in an International and Multidisciplinary Perspective – This course is a supplement to the clinical studies/Clinical placements

Exchange students who will be enrolled at our Department of Nursing can follow one or more of the above theoretical courses combined with a clinical placement – or they can choose the clinical placement only

Application deadlines:
Non-EU students: November 1, 2015
EU-students: November 1, 2015

How to apply for our courses taught in English:
All students must apply online using this link:

We hope that this information is useful to you and your students – please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any further questions.
For more information, please see our Erasmus Information Sheet.

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